4-H, University of Illinois Extension
Recruiting that
digs deeper.
digs deeper.
Way beyond kids and cows.
Sure, that’s part of 4-H. But it’s also STEM and robotics, fashion design, college prep, and more. So we crafted the “Wow, so THAT’S 4-H!” campaign to reshape perceptions and boost recruitment. Energetic messaging and materials—including a recruitment toolkit—empower leaders, members, and volunteers to showcase 4-H's vast opportunities.

Producing future scientists that's 4 h.

Producing healthier youth that's 4 h.

Producing engineering innovators that's 4 h.

Producing tomorrow's leaders that's 4 h.

A tri fold brochure with the words engage, innovate, and impact.

A set of banners with the words'make the world a better place'.

The logo for healthy youth that's 4 - h.

Global citizens that's 4 h.

Civic contributors that's 4 h.

Future scientists that's 4 h.

Extraordinary leaders that's 4 h.

Engaged students that's 4 - h.

Trained workforce that's 4 h.

Engineering innovators that's 4 h.

Environmental stewards that's 4 h.

A poster with the words'producer's healthier youth that's 4 h'.

A poster with the words producing engaged students that that 4.

A poster with the words producing global citizens that 4 h.

The cover of producing engineering innovators that's 4 h.
Fun, simple, streamlined. We ensure that consistent materials—colorful brochures, magnets, lawn signs, notebooks, and more—do all the work FOR recruiters.

Chart your course adventures await.

Adventures await blaze your own trail.

Adventures await the universe is yours.

Adventures await start your journey.

Adventures await reach your destination.

A set of posters with the words'explore your own trail'.

Adventures await return your destruction t-shirt.

Adventures await reclaim your destiny t-shirt.

Four roll up banners with different colors.

Caring communities adventures await.

Engaged students adventures await.

Engineering innovators adventures await.

Environmental stewards adventures await.

Extraordinary leaders adventures await.

Future scientist adventures await.

The logo for global citizens adventures await.

Healthier youth adventures await.

Trained workforce adventures await.

Civic contributors adventures await.